Idea Generation: Coming up with killer business ideas 100% off Udemy

What do Facebook, Groupon, Twitter, Pinterest, & Instagram have in common – besides being ultra successful businesses?
You probably won’t guess it.
Every single company started with an idea that was TERRIBLE
Yes, that’s right. Mark Zuckerberg, Jack Dorsey, Andrew Mason, Kevin Systrom all started their businesses not with immediate success, but with immediate failure, ridicule, and frustration.
That’s not the story you heard, right?
You probably heard that they all channeled their unlimited brilliance into crafting the perfect idea. An idea so great, so perfect that it was nay a matter of time before their idea took the world by storm.
That’s what most people think. And most people are 100% wrong.
- Facebook started as a way to compare attractiveness between classmates.
- Pinterest started as an app that let you get notified when your favorite designer goods went on sale.
- Groupon started as a website for raising funds for charity.
- Instagram started as Burbn, the 400th app to let you “check in” at your favorite businesses.
And yes, Twitter started as a website to list and find podcasts.
None of these ideas were brilliant. They weren’t clever. They certainly weren’t insightful. And they certainly werent “ahead of their time“
But they WERE created by people who supposedly are.
How does that happen? The math doesn’t add up.
Well, I’ll tell you.
You’ve been lied to.
There’s no such thing as an “idea person”.
Brilliant ideas don’t just “happen”
Brilliant people aren’t any better at coming up with ideas than anyone else
In fact, anyone can come up with business ideas.
You just have to know how.
Join the course and find out.
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