100 Phrasal verbs within 10 days 100% off Udemy

This course is for English language learners who would like to speak better English and become more fluent in speaking and writing
- There is no secret formula of remembering the phrasal verbs instantly but a smart collection will help with the learning process.
This course contains the 100 most frequent phrasal verbs that you need to use and understand. These phrasal verbs are grouped in order to make you learn and remember them quickly and easily. Each group contain 10 phrasal verbs that is easy to learn in a day. So after 10 days you will be able to use 100 phrasal verbs. The slides contain definitons, examples, a dialoge and a picture that will help you remember the meaning of the particular phrasal verb.
Learn 100 Phrasal Verbs In Only 10 Days With The Help Of Pictures And Easy Explanations
- Find learning the phrasal verbs easy and fun
- Build your vocabulary in 10 days with 100 phrasal verbs
- Learn the most frequent phrasal verbs easily
- Get clear explanations
- Remember the phrasal verbs with the help of descriptive pictures
- Master a technique for the future that will help you learn any vocabulary
The course makes one of the most difficult part of English learnng easy and quick, moreover, you will be able to speak more naturally and fluent with the help of these phrasal verbs.
As a non-native English speaker I exactly know what you are facing when it comes to phrasal verbs. Those verbs and prepositions! They mean something totally different together than separately. I know they drive you crazy.
The aim of this course is to provide such a method that will make learning this topic easy and finally you can remember those „damn” phrasal verbs.
Building vocabulary is always exhausting and it takes a lot of time. Phrasal verbs are particularly difficult to learn. We both know that. However, if you have a good method it will become fun because it will get quick and effective.
This method is that you will learn 10 phrasal verbs in a day so in less than 2 weeks you will be able to use 100 phrasal verbs. The phrasal verbs are grouped and each group contain 10 phrasal verbs. As a result, learning will be easy and fun.
On the other hand you will get not only grouped phrasal verbs, but also a definition, example sentences from real life situations and a dialogue that contain the particular phrasal verb in order to make you remember quicker.
At the end of the course you will feel that only 10 days are enough to become a confident user of the phrasal verbs. Also, you can use this 10-word-a-day method for building vocabulary in any topics.
Udemy Coupon Code : https://www.udemy.com/learn-the-100-most-frequent-phrasal-verbs-in-10-days/?couponCode=UDEMYSTUDIO
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