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Udemy- The Platinum Rule-Chemistry For Success 100% off


Learning to implement The Platinum Rule to determine the way that others want to be treated will benefit you in all your interpersonal communications. Determining the behavioral style of individuals and learning to adapt to connect with them in a way they can relate to will allow for less conflict, more understanding and tremendous success. When you can predict what someone wants and give it to them, you develop a rapport with that person that is often lifelong. In sales, management, leadership, team building, and personal relationships you will be highly successful. You will stop looking at sales as a conquests, a one time shot and look at it as a collaboration where you understand what your customer wants and you know how to present it to them to show the product or service will provide the solution for it. You will have the skills to develop the trust and belief that makes them a lifelong customer and provider of endless referrals. The Platinum Rule is connecting through chemistry and creates the strong foundation you need to build your empire.

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