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Udemy - iOS Development with Swift 100% off
Udemy - iOS Development with Swift 100% off
5:31:00 AM

This course is designed for the absolute beginner. You will learn iOS App Development from the ground up with these awesome tutorials!
This program is the most efficient curriculum to prepare you for a job as an iOS Developer. Participants in the program will learn:
- MVC architecture and why it's important when developing apps
- How to build sophisticated and polished user interfaces with UIKit components
- How to implement common frameworks used by iOS developers
- How to implement Core Data for local persistence of an object structure
- Use of external APIs to make use of data from other companies
They will work with their peers and advisors to develop apps approved by leading employers as the critical indicators of job-readiness. We designed these projects with expert iOS Developers, iOS Engineers, and hiring managers.
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Udemy - iOS Development with Swift 100% off
Reviewed by hamza
5:31:00 AM
Rating: 5
Tags :
Creation and Designing IOS Apps
iOS Apps
iOS Developer Program
iOS Development with Swift
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