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Udemy - Evernote - Quick & Easy 100% off
Udemy - Evernote - Quick & Easy 100% off
8:30:00 AM

Course Description
LATEST: Course is updated for the month of March 2015.-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
You've got a life - and no time to learn the intricacies of yet another online program!
The secret to Evernote is using only the features you need. (Like I do)
You work, play, travel, create, cook, plan, and relax - and don't have time to learn every little feature that Evernote offers. In fact, if you're like most people, you've probably downloaded a version of Evernote onto your computer or phone, checked it out and then uninstalled it because it didn't look easy enough. Who has time to learn all that stuff? Not me.
At the end of the course you'll be able to create your Evernote account, create notebooks and notes, and start clipping online resources in less than 2 hours.
Don't waste time learning stuff you'll never use
Everyone needs to organize something:
- vacation info
- favorite recipes
- project files
- job requirements
- research projects
- school assignments
- wine notes
- sports photos
- school scheules
- websites
Yes, you can keep things to remember on scraps of paper (think: back of napkins!), bookmarks in a Web browser, or random reminders on your phone. But with Evernote - the quick and easy way - you can quickly (and I mean fast) set up folders for every part of your life, then dump notes, images, audio, video - anything you want to remember into the correct folder. By the way, Evernote calls folders Notebooks. Whatever.
The cool thing is - Evernote has a lot of add-on apps (and more being created all the time) - so you can do things like have a scanned receipt sent automatically into your Receipt Notebook, snap a photo that's instantly e-mailed to you OR sent to Evernote, and set up (free) commands that save things like the photos in Facebook that tag YOU right into Evernote.
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Udemy - Evernote - Quick & Easy 100% off
Reviewed by hamza
8:30:00 AM
Rating: 5
Tags :
Evernote - Quick & Easy
evernote tutorial
productivity tips
productivity tools
udemy 100% off
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