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Udemy- Build a Real Time web app in node.js , Angular.js, mongoDB 100% off Worth $129 !


Last updated: 9/3/2015
This is a project based course. You guys are going to learn by building a real-time web application alongside me.
If you want to learn a modern approach to build a real-time web application then MEAN stack is an awesome option.
You want to know why? Because you will only use One programming language which is Javascript to build the entire Web application from Frontend (Angular) to Backend (Node.js + Mongodb + Express).
The best way to learn is by doing, Benjamin Franklin used to say "Tell me and I forget. Teach me and I remember. Involve me and I learn".
By the end of this course, you will be proficient in these technologies
  1. Angular.Js
  2. Node.js
  3. Mongodb
  4. Express
As well as you will be able to build your own web application.
If you never coded before, my advice is to just dive in and get your fingers dirty and even if you don't understand one concept, don't worry, you can ask me a question.
Remember repetition is the key to learning something, once you have finish the course delete it and start all over again. Repeat until you find your own style.
Basic knowledge that you need to have before taking this course
  1. HTML and CSS
  2. JavaScript
As for JavaScript, you don't need to be an expert to take this course, just learn these few concepts on your own.
  1. If/else statement
  2. Function
  3. Object
  4. Anonymous function
  5. Promises
For every concept, just go Google and copy paste the concept and don't forget to add JavaScript at the end. For example “If/else statement JavaScript", and just read the idea behind each one of these concepts.
Anyway these concepts will be used a lot in the project later on!
But of course I will still explain all the concepts throughout the course, so don't worry.
Just for your Information Companies like Tinder, Medium, Storify, Paypal, Uberand many more, are using Node.js for one reason and that reason is scale.
So what are you waiting for, if you have a dream to build your own start up or you just want to learn a technology stack then take this course and change the world!

Udemy Coupon Code : Click On Picture 

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